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About Us

About Us

Our journey began in 2014, when we were inspired by the Capixabas Mountains.

During this period, the owners of Sítio Monte das Oliveiras chose to leave the turbulent life of the city for a bit, for the experience of the countryside. They found idle land in the famous region of the Capixabas Mountains of Forno Grande and Pedra Azul, looking for among different crops, which would suit the almost 1,300m altitude, and the constant temperatures below 12 degrees, Olive trees were chosen as the crop with greater resilience, envisioning a legacy for future generations. In this way, it was realized that Olivoculture would be a differentiator in the region. Thus came the idea of combining the useful with the pleasant, a wonderful plantation of almost three thousand Olive trees, together with 4 high standard chalets, in total coherence with nature and the differentiated environment.

Unique refuge at Chalé Monte das Oliveiras.

At Chalé Monte das Oliveiras, we create a charming and connected atmosphere, providing a unique experience of reframing. We value the uniqueness of each guest, recognizing that true plenitude lies in shared experiences. Located amidst lush nature, our purpose is to create every detail for a transformative experience. People are unique, with dreams, projects and values. Our mission is to take you to a state of incomparable relaxation and pleasure. We understand that the true meaning of life lies in lived experiences, not in things. We are an environment prepared for our guests to create a new meaning in their lives, enjoying contact with nature, the pleasure of life and the appreciation of unique moments. We provide a unique experience with complete satisfaction, alongside those you love.

Discover our Olive Grove.

Today we have the largest olive plantation in the state of ES with 3,000 trees, we are at an altitude of 1,300m, and we have a perfect climate with the accumulation of cold enough for the olive trees to flourish, our plantation has four specific cultivars for olive production , destined exclusively for the production of pure and artisanal extra virgin olive oil, these 04 planted cultivars that also give the name of our 4 Chalets, destined exclusively for the extraction of pure and artisanal extra virgin olive oil, in which each cultivar has its characteristic flavor and remarkable, with this we make a well-balanced Blend, cultivating Arbequina of Spanish origin, cultivating Arbosana also of Spanish origin, cultivating Koroneiki of Greek origin and finally cultivating Grappolo of Italian origin, see below some images of our olive grove and a little of the process of manufacturing our exclusive olive oil.


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